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By Robert Burke

Import Event Data (Opta)


Imports match event data as temporal markers against an asset and (optionally) triggers a workflow on the event temporal marker.


Can be used alongside a live match recording to input game events as temporal markers and dynamically generate EDL snippets.


  • Time Zone – UTC to Time Zone offset to apply to the match events
  • Opta API Credentials – Opta API credentials to use
  • Fixture ID Field – Metadata field containing the Opta fixture id
  • Polling Interval – Frequency to poll the Opta API for new events
  • Timeout – Period before BLidget times out
  • Add Event Listener (Multiple):
    • Event Type – Game event type to listen for
    • Handle Time – Time in seconds to add to the event temporal marker
    • Colour – Colour to apply to the temporal marker
    • Workflow – Workflow to trigger when event is triggered

By Robert Burke

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